Cute Breast |
Health Breast Tips
The researchers have found our body functions best when we eat a ratio of
omega-3 fatty acids to omega-6 fatty acids in the range of 1 to 4.
Omega-3 fatty acids, in general, are the most health-promoting type of
fat you can eat. They reduce our risk of heart disease, inflammatory
conditions (especially arthritis and skin conditions like psoriasis),
and of several different types of cancer, including breast cancer. the Omega-3 fatty acids protect against breast cancer
in several different ways. First, they decrease the strength of
estrogen in the breast tissue. This means cells won't divide as rapidly
as they normally do in response to estrogen. Secondly, omega-3 fatty
acids have powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Scientists have found
inflammation plays a significant role in the initiation and growth of
tumors. Girls or women who take anti-inflammatory medication on an average of 3
times a week are found to have up to a 50% lower incidence of breast