Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Long lasting Health

Image of Long lasting Health Tips
Long lasting Health Tips

Health Tips for long living

Everybody wants to encourage young man and women to embrace their sexual identity's part of their whole selves, and work with each other to gain self respect and respect from peers as they begin to explore and understand their sexuality. Sexual health is an important part of reproductive health, and participants will learn to see it as part of their overall, comprehensive well-being. As this is often a very confusing—and even scary—period of life, participants will work together to understand how to channel their feelings and thoughts in productive, healthy manners – such as through conversations in a safe space, the arts, and writing. Participants will also work together on gaining the sexual confidence to consent or not, and to be respected sexually by others. With the help of sexual education counselors and Planned Parenthood representatives, participants will support and respect each other in feeling able to make safe and informed sexual decisions. Keep in touch.